Setting Your Sights Higher

Do you remember some time in your life when you tried so very hard to win something? Maybe it was a game in athletics, or a contest in school. Maybe it was some award at work or in your community. Perhaps in all of us is some level of competitiveness because we all have a desire for recognition. Honor and affirmation are important to people.

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World Power

There are many countries in history, past and current, that are described as world powers. We believe some to be good and some to be evil. The particular view one has depends on what country he or she is from. When we name world powers, we might name: United States, Russia, China. If we go into the past, we might name: England, France, Germany, Japan, Spain. If we wanted to go way back, we might name: Rome, Persia, Greece, Assyria, Egypt. These are countries that had such power that they spread their influence and will into other countries, not always peacefully. We are familiar with this kind of world power.

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Does God Matter?

Maybe you have never thought about this question. Most people never ask this question. After all, the Bible starts out with the declaration, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” It ends with God declaring, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” In between the start and finish are the accounts of God’s interaction with people. He is the cavalry coming to the rescue, he is the judge holding people to account. He is the savior of the oppressed, the hope of those who are hopeless, the defender of the weak, the punisher of the wicked. He is the giver of life, the comforter of those who mourn, the guide for the lost, the power that humbles the proud and the wicked. He is the superior alternative for Satan, the protecting wall between people and Satan, the forgiver of sins, the way to a life that lasts forever. This list could go on for quite a while. Of course, God matters.

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Life with Blinders On

It seems to me that many people live their lives like some racehorses. What I mean is: some racehorses run with blinders on their eyes. This keeps them from seeing all that is around them and helps them focus on what is ahead of them so that they run a better race. Many people also go through life with blinders on. However, this doesn’t work so well with people.

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What Makes a Nation Great?

Everyone wants to see their country prosper and be great. We have different views how to bring that about though. Some measure greatness by power: military or economic. Some measure greatness by geographical expansion and the number of people in the nation. Some measure greatness by how wealthy a particular class within that nation becomes; the class usually depends upon the class one belongs to. Truth be told, for all the differences, there is one similarity that everyone tends to have in common: the belief that “my nation is great if I prosper.”

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Know Truth and Know Freedom, No Truth and No Freedom

Jesus once stated that he is truth and that his truth will set people free (John 8:31-32). We like the sound of that word “freedom”.  In the same speech, he said that the devil lies, is the father of lies, and all who listen to him are his slaves. We hate the sound of that word “slave”. However, with our willingness to abandon truth for lies, consistently, you might think we prefer being slaves to lies.

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Holiness and Identity Politcs

The United States of America is hot and heavy into a presidential election. Such heat often does not bring out the best in people, and this country would be no exception. We the people tend to put the blame on the politicians, but the flaw is actually in us. While holiness cannot be legislated, it can be chosen. When it comes to politics, many Americans have opted for identity politics over holiness, and that has not turned out well.

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God and Politics

This instruction is written in 1 Timothy 2:1-2, “I urge then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people, for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” Praying for political leaders is something that should be done by people of God. Why? Not for prosperity and power, but that we may have the opportunity to live godly and holy lives in peace.

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The Size of the Kingdom of Heaven

How big is the kingdom of heaven? I am not asking how big is heaven, mind you. We do not even know where heaven is so we sure don’t know how big it is. The kingdom of heaven would definitely involve he realm of heaven, but in the Bible it also involves people. The kingdom of heaven came to earth. Jesus made sure of that. It is safe to say that the kingdom of heaven can be found on every continent, every island, every piece of land where there is a follower of Jesus. But the kingdom of heaven is not about land. It is about people living under God’s reign. How big is this kingdom?

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Important Words

Why should anyone listen to Jesus and follow his teachings. After all, there are plenty of smart people, some who are living and well-respected, that we can listen to and follow. It might be a well known intellectual, a highly respected writer or philosopher, a favorite professor, a respected parent or a trusted friend. It could be another historical figure who has been highly regarded for ages. With all of these choices, why should anyone listen to Jesus? If you are asking that question, which you have a right to ask, I give you 2 simple reasons why you should listen to Jesus and follow his teachings above all others.

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Worth Dying For

The Marine was patrolling with his platoon when a grenade was thrown into their midst. Without hesitation, he threw himself on the grenade to save the others. Thankfully, the grenade was a dud and did not explode, otherwise the young Marine would have been killed by the blast.

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Enough Adventures to Fill a Life

Maybe you’ve been in a place at some point in your life where you were just bored to the max. Wow, that is a terrible place to be. Can you imagine how bad it would be if you were stuck in that place with now foreseeable way out? Once I was taking a class that met for 6 hours a day, one day a week for 9 weeks. I was really excited about the class because I really liked the teacher. The subject matter bored me, but the class was required, and I figured this teacher would make it interesting. I could handle 9 weeks of this class even if it met for 6 hours at a time. Then the unexpected happened…the teacher developed some voice problems and was unable to speak for the next few months. The teacher said there was no problem though. In the previous offering of that class, someone had recorded all of the lessons! The class could go on.

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Setting Your Sights Higher

Do you remember some time in your life when you tried so very hard to win something? Maybe it was a game in athletics, or a contest in school. Maybe it was some award at work or in your community. Perhaps in all of us is some level of competitiveness because we all have a desire for recognition. Honor and affirmation are important to people.

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World Power

There are many countries in history, past and current, that are described as world powers. We believe some to be good and some to be evil. The particular view one has depends on what country he or she is from. When we name world powers, we might name: United States, Russia, China. If we go into the past, we might name: England, France, Germany, Japan, Spain. If we wanted to go way back, we might name: Rome, Persia, Greece, Assyria, Egypt. These are countries that had such power that they spread their influence and will into other countries, not always peacefully. We are familiar with this kind of world power.

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Does God Matter?

Maybe you have never thought about this question. Most people never ask this question. After all, the Bible starts out with the declaration, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” It ends with God declaring, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” In between the start and finish are the accounts of God’s interaction with people. He is the cavalry coming to the rescue, he is the judge holding people to account. He is the savior of the oppressed, the hope of those who are hopeless, the defender of the weak, the punisher of the wicked. He is the giver of life, the comforter of those who mourn, the guide for the lost, the power that humbles the proud and the wicked. He is the superior alternative for Satan, the protecting wall between people and Satan, the forgiver of sins, the way to a life that lasts forever. This list could go on for quite a while. Of course, God matters.

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Life with Blinders On

It seems to me that many people live their lives like some racehorses. What I mean is: some racehorses run with blinders on their eyes. This keeps them from seeing all that is around them and helps them focus on what is ahead of them so that they run a better race. Many people also go through life with blinders on. However, this doesn’t work so well with people.

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What Makes a Nation Great?

Everyone wants to see their country prosper and be great. We have different views how to bring that about though. Some measure greatness by power: military or economic. Some measure greatness by geographical expansion and the number of people in the nation. Some measure greatness by how wealthy a particular class within that nation becomes; the class usually depends upon the class one belongs to. Truth be told, for all the differences, there is one similarity that everyone tends to have in common: the belief that “my nation is great if I prosper.”

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Know Truth and Know Freedom, No Truth and No Freedom

Jesus once stated that he is truth and that his truth will set people free (John 8:31-32). We like the sound of that word “freedom”.  In the same speech, he said that the devil lies, is the father of lies, and all who listen to him are his slaves. We hate the sound of that word “slave”. However, with our willingness to abandon truth for lies, consistently, you might think we prefer being slaves to lies.

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Holiness and Identity Politcs

The United States of America is hot and heavy into a presidential election. Such heat often does not bring out the best in people, and this country would be no exception. We the people tend to put the blame on the politicians, but the flaw is actually in us. While holiness cannot be legislated, it can be chosen. When it comes to politics, many Americans have opted for identity politics over holiness, and that has not turned out well.

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God and Politics

This instruction is written in 1 Timothy 2:1-2, “I urge then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people, for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” Praying for political leaders is something that should be done by people of God. Why? Not for prosperity and power, but that we may have the opportunity to live godly and holy lives in peace.

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The Size of the Kingdom of Heaven

How big is the kingdom of heaven? I am not asking how big is heaven, mind you. We do not even know where heaven is so we sure don’t know how big it is. The kingdom of heaven would definitely involve he realm of heaven, but in the Bible it also involves people. The kingdom of heaven came to earth. Jesus made sure of that. It is safe to say that the kingdom of heaven can be found on every continent, every island, every piece of land where there is a follower of Jesus. But the kingdom of heaven is not about land. It is about people living under God’s reign. How big is this kingdom?

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Important Words

Why should anyone listen to Jesus and follow his teachings. After all, there are plenty of smart people, some who are living and well-respected, that we can listen to and follow. It might be a well known intellectual, a highly respected writer or philosopher, a favorite professor, a respected parent or a trusted friend. It could be another historical figure who has been highly regarded for ages. With all of these choices, why should anyone listen to Jesus? If you are asking that question, which you have a right to ask, I give you 2 simple reasons why you should listen to Jesus and follow his teachings above all others.

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Worth Dying For

The Marine was patrolling with his platoon when a grenade was thrown into their midst. Without hesitation, he threw himself on the grenade to save the others. Thankfully, the grenade was a dud and did not explode, otherwise the young Marine would have been killed by the blast.

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Enough Adventures to Fill a Life

Maybe you’ve been in a place at some point in your life where you were just bored to the max. Wow, that is a terrible place to be. Can you imagine how bad it would be if you were stuck in that place with now foreseeable way out? Once I was taking a class that met for 6 hours a day, one day a week for 9 weeks. I was really excited about the class because I really liked the teacher. The subject matter bored me, but the class was required, and I figured this teacher would make it interesting. I could handle 9 weeks of this class even if it met for 6 hours at a time. Then the unexpected happened…the teacher developed some voice problems and was unable to speak for the next few months. The teacher said there was no problem though. In the previous offering of that class, someone had recorded all of the lessons! The class could go on.

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Setting Your Sights Higher

Do you remember some time in your life when you tried so very hard to win something? Maybe it was a game in athletics, or a contest in school. Maybe it was some award at work or in your community. Perhaps in all of us is some level of competitiveness because we all have a desire for recognition. Honor and affirmation are important to people.

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World Power

There are many countries in history, past and current, that are described as world powers. We believe some to be good and some to be evil. The particular view one has depends on what country he or she is from. When we name world powers, we might name: United States, Russia, China. If we go into the past, we might name: England, France, Germany, Japan, Spain. If we wanted to go way back, we might name: Rome, Persia, Greece, Assyria, Egypt. These are countries that had such power that they spread their influence and will into other countries, not always peacefully. We are familiar with this kind of world power.

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Does God Matter?

Maybe you have never thought about this question. Most people never ask this question. After all, the Bible starts out with the declaration, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” It ends with God declaring, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” In between the start and finish are the accounts of God’s interaction with people. He is the cavalry coming to the rescue, he is the judge holding people to account. He is the savior of the oppressed, the hope of those who are hopeless, the defender of the weak, the punisher of the wicked. He is the giver of life, the comforter of those who mourn, the guide for the lost, the power that humbles the proud and the wicked. He is the superior alternative for Satan, the protecting wall between people and Satan, the forgiver of sins, the way to a life that lasts forever. This list could go on for quite a while. Of course, God matters.

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Life with Blinders On

It seems to me that many people live their lives like some racehorses. What I mean is: some racehorses run with blinders on their eyes. This keeps them from seeing all that is around them and helps them focus on what is ahead of them so that they run a better race. Many people also go through life with blinders on. However, this doesn’t work so well with people.

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What Makes a Nation Great?

Everyone wants to see their country prosper and be great. We have different views how to bring that about though. Some measure greatness by power: military or economic. Some measure greatness by geographical expansion and the number of people in the nation. Some measure greatness by how wealthy a particular class within that nation becomes; the class usually depends upon the class one belongs to. Truth be told, for all the differences, there is one similarity that everyone tends to have in common: the belief that “my nation is great if I prosper.”

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Know Truth and Know Freedom, No Truth and No Freedom

Jesus once stated that he is truth and that his truth will set people free (John 8:31-32). We like the sound of that word “freedom”.  In the same speech, he said that the devil lies, is the father of lies, and all who listen to him are his slaves. We hate the sound of that word “slave”. However, with our willingness to abandon truth for lies, consistently, you might think we prefer being slaves to lies.

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Holiness and Identity Politcs

The United States of America is hot and heavy into a presidential election. Such heat often does not bring out the best in people, and this country would be no exception. We the people tend to put the blame on the politicians, but the flaw is actually in us. While holiness cannot be legislated, it can be chosen. When it comes to politics, many Americans have opted for identity politics over holiness, and that has not turned out well.

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God and Politics

This instruction is written in 1 Timothy 2:1-2, “I urge then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people, for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” Praying for political leaders is something that should be done by people of God. Why? Not for prosperity and power, but that we may have the opportunity to live godly and holy lives in peace.

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The Size of the Kingdom of Heaven

How big is the kingdom of heaven? I am not asking how big is heaven, mind you. We do not even know where heaven is so we sure don’t know how big it is. The kingdom of heaven would definitely involve he realm of heaven, but in the Bible it also involves people. The kingdom of heaven came to earth. Jesus made sure of that. It is safe to say that the kingdom of heaven can be found on every continent, every island, every piece of land where there is a follower of Jesus. But the kingdom of heaven is not about land. It is about people living under God’s reign. How big is this kingdom?

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Important Words

Why should anyone listen to Jesus and follow his teachings. After all, there are plenty of smart people, some who are living and well-respected, that we can listen to and follow. It might be a well known intellectual, a highly respected writer or philosopher, a favorite professor, a respected parent or a trusted friend. It could be another historical figure who has been highly regarded for ages. With all of these choices, why should anyone listen to Jesus? If you are asking that question, which you have a right to ask, I give you 2 simple reasons why you should listen to Jesus and follow his teachings above all others.

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Worth Dying For

The Marine was patrolling with his platoon when a grenade was thrown into their midst. Without hesitation, he threw himself on the grenade to save the others. Thankfully, the grenade was a dud and did not explode, otherwise the young Marine would have been killed by the blast.

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Enough Adventures to Fill a Life

Maybe you’ve been in a place at some point in your life where you were just bored to the max. Wow, that is a terrible place to be. Can you imagine how bad it would be if you were stuck in that place with now foreseeable way out? Once I was taking a class that met for 6 hours a day, one day a week for 9 weeks. I was really excited about the class because I really liked the teacher. The subject matter bored me, but the class was required, and I figured this teacher would make it interesting. I could handle 9 weeks of this class even if it met for 6 hours at a time. Then the unexpected happened…the teacher developed some voice problems and was unable to speak for the next few months. The teacher said there was no problem though. In the previous offering of that class, someone had recorded all of the lessons! The class could go on.

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Setting Your Sights Higher

Do you remember some time in your life when you tried so very hard to win something? Maybe it was a game in athletics, or a contest in school. Maybe it was some award at work or in your community. Perhaps in all of us is some level of competitiveness because we all have a desire for recognition. Honor and affirmation are important to people.

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World Power

There are many countries in history, past and current, that are described as world powers. We believe some to be good and some to be evil. The particular view one has depends on what country he or she is from. When we name world powers, we might name: United States, Russia, China. If we go into the past, we might name: England, France, Germany, Japan, Spain. If we wanted to go way back, we might name: Rome, Persia, Greece, Assyria, Egypt. These are countries that had such power that they spread their influence and will into other countries, not always peacefully. We are familiar with this kind of world power.

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Does God Matter?

Maybe you have never thought about this question. Most people never ask this question. After all, the Bible starts out with the declaration, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” It ends with God declaring, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” In between the start and finish are the accounts of God’s interaction with people. He is the cavalry coming to the rescue, he is the judge holding people to account. He is the savior of the oppressed, the hope of those who are hopeless, the defender of the weak, the punisher of the wicked. He is the giver of life, the comforter of those who mourn, the guide for the lost, the power that humbles the proud and the wicked. He is the superior alternative for Satan, the protecting wall between people and Satan, the forgiver of sins, the way to a life that lasts forever. This list could go on for quite a while. Of course, God matters.

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Life with Blinders On

It seems to me that many people live their lives like some racehorses. What I mean is: some racehorses run with blinders on their eyes. This keeps them from seeing all that is around them and helps them focus on what is ahead of them so that they run a better race. Many people also go through life with blinders on. However, this doesn’t work so well with people.

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What Makes a Nation Great?

Everyone wants to see their country prosper and be great. We have different views how to bring that about though. Some measure greatness by power: military or economic. Some measure greatness by geographical expansion and the number of people in the nation. Some measure greatness by how wealthy a particular class within that nation becomes; the class usually depends upon the class one belongs to. Truth be told, for all the differences, there is one similarity that everyone tends to have in common: the belief that “my nation is great if I prosper.”

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Know Truth and Know Freedom, No Truth and No Freedom

Jesus once stated that he is truth and that his truth will set people free (John 8:31-32). We like the sound of that word “freedom”.  In the same speech, he said that the devil lies, is the father of lies, and all who listen to him are his slaves. We hate the sound of that word “slave”. However, with our willingness to abandon truth for lies, consistently, you might think we prefer being slaves to lies.

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Holiness and Identity Politcs

The United States of America is hot and heavy into a presidential election. Such heat often does not bring out the best in people, and this country would be no exception. We the people tend to put the blame on the politicians, but the flaw is actually in us. While holiness cannot be legislated, it can be chosen. When it comes to politics, many Americans have opted for identity politics over holiness, and that has not turned out well.

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God and Politics

This instruction is written in 1 Timothy 2:1-2, “I urge then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people, for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” Praying for political leaders is something that should be done by people of God. Why? Not for prosperity and power, but that we may have the opportunity to live godly and holy lives in peace.

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The Size of the Kingdom of Heaven

How big is the kingdom of heaven? I am not asking how big is heaven, mind you. We do not even know where heaven is so we sure don’t know how big it is. The kingdom of heaven would definitely involve he realm of heaven, but in the Bible it also involves people. The kingdom of heaven came to earth. Jesus made sure of that. It is safe to say that the kingdom of heaven can be found on every continent, every island, every piece of land where there is a follower of Jesus. But the kingdom of heaven is not about land. It is about people living under God’s reign. How big is this kingdom?

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Important Words

Why should anyone listen to Jesus and follow his teachings. After all, there are plenty of smart people, some who are living and well-respected, that we can listen to and follow. It might be a well known intellectual, a highly respected writer or philosopher, a favorite professor, a respected parent or a trusted friend. It could be another historical figure who has been highly regarded for ages. With all of these choices, why should anyone listen to Jesus? If you are asking that question, which you have a right to ask, I give you 2 simple reasons why you should listen to Jesus and follow his teachings above all others.

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Worth Dying For

The Marine was patrolling with his platoon when a grenade was thrown into their midst. Without hesitation, he threw himself on the grenade to save the others. Thankfully, the grenade was a dud and did not explode, otherwise the young Marine would have been killed by the blast.

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Enough Adventures to Fill a Life

Maybe you’ve been in a place at some point in your life where you were just bored to the max. Wow, that is a terrible place to be. Can you imagine how bad it would be if you were stuck in that place with now foreseeable way out? Once I was taking a class that met for 6 hours a day, one day a week for 9 weeks. I was really excited about the class because I really liked the teacher. The subject matter bored me, but the class was required, and I figured this teacher would make it interesting. I could handle 9 weeks of this class even if it met for 6 hours at a time. Then the unexpected happened…the teacher developed some voice problems and was unable to speak for the next few months. The teacher said there was no problem though. In the previous offering of that class, someone had recorded all of the lessons! The class could go on.

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